Success Stories


Sophie started with A Plus Fitness Malvern in February 2020, and not long after starting we were shutdown due to Covid. Sophie continued online classes that were offered and coupled with some nutrition changes made amazing progress every time we did body scans.

From February to November, Sophie lost 17.1kg body fat, gained 1 kg muscle and needed a whole new wardrobe! She did 5 classes every week, 10k steps a day and tracked her macros so she was in a calorie deficit (we can help with this). Doing this consistently is what achieved these fabulous results.


RN joined A Plus Fitness Malvern in May 2021.  By January 2022 she had dropped an amazing 10kg body fat!  This was determined using our InBody scanner.

RN has 2 children under the age of 5, and she often brings them along to class.  She is also a nurse who works shift work.  Doing 3-4 classes a week and making some food changes has helped RS achieve these results.  She says she ‘feels a lot better now & has more energy too’.  Plus she’s needed a new wardrobe 🙂


Renee joined A Plus Fitness Malvern in January 2018.

Over the course of 2018 she did nearly 180 classes! She made changes to her nutrition too (with the help of A Plus Fitness Malvern’s free seminars for clients) and that is what also helped her lose an amazing 15kg for the year!!

Renee not only feels much better now, but has improved sleep, can run and play WITH the kids (not watching them), can actually taste her food, has more energy & is so much stronger (sled push of 130kg!).


There is 9 months difference between these photos and they show exactly why you should not focus on the scale! Monique weighs the same in both of these photos, but her body shape and posture has changed greatly.

Strength training (done in the Burn & Tone classes) builds muscle and burns fat and this changes the shape of your body.

Monique consistently attended classes all year and hence has the results to show!


Bel joined A Plus Fitness Malvern in 2017 when her baby boy was 6 weeks old! After some frustration with lack of results she made some changes to her nutrition (like portion sizes) and increased to 3 classes a week.

In 6 weeks she lost 7.5kg! And she continued to lose weight after this too and is now down over 20kg!


Since March 2017 when Ange joined A Plus Fitness Malvern, she has lost over 10kg! She has had to buy a new wardrobe of clothes to wear as she previously threw all her smaller clothes out thinking she would never fit in them again!

Now she has more energy and even did the 35km ‘Bloody Long Walk’ with no training!


A Plus Fitness Malvern's owner

Left – 6 days to go for my second pregnancy

Right – 6 months post partum

For both my pregnancies I couldn’t exercise and gained 20kg and 25kg! I had to start back at the beginning both times when it came to fitness.
I focused on my nutrition and did strength training 3 days a week.


I have gone back and looked at my goals that I set at the start of the program: maintain a consistent healthy nutrition and exercise program, fit comfortably in my clothes and to feel good about myself .... ALL have been achieved.
I have lost 4.9 kilos, a total of 26.5 cm with 5.5cm around my waist and 6cm from my hips! I also just feel really good overall. I was starting to feel dumpy and lethargic when I started and I certainly have more energy and more confidence. I want to thank everyone in the group for their support and positive comments when I needed them the most! It really helped knowing that I wasn’t alone. I still have a way to go but I’m certainly on the right path! - Jen
"I've known Ali for years and her experiences and hard work have been nothing short of inspirational.

She has taught me valuable life changing lessons that are practical, low maintenance and work around life as a busy mum! After recently completing her 8 week challenge I feel confident in using these simple tools to help maintain a healthy weight and living a long happy life...

Cannot thank you enough Ali x"

Being strong will improve your quality of life.

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